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Cadeby Parish Council

Borough Council re-starts its Special Collection service for household and garden waste

Added on 15 May 2020

Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council is re-introducing its Special Collection service accepting online bookings for additional refuse sack collections and removal of small clearance items.

However due to the coronavirus pandemic this service is a one person operation with strict front boundary rule for sacks of waste.

In accordance with coronavirus guidelines residents/households need to be aware that if they have coronavirus or are still symptomatic need to ensure that the waste is 72 hours old before it is presented for collection and is double-bagged.

Items which will be accepted are:

General household waste, including recycling

Garden waste ie grass and hedge clippings etc

Textiles, although if these can be recycled, passed onto charity shops when they re-open it would be encouraged

Items which will not be accepted include:

Electrical items. These can be disposed of using the Council's Bulky Waste Collection Service


Rubble / hard-core

Paint tins which contain paint

Hazardous wastes such as asbestos or chemicals

The cost for collection and disposal of items is:

£15 for a maximum of 10 sacks

£25 for a maximum of 25 sacks

Small sized cardboard boxes filled will be accepted as one sack but they must be dry.

Any additional bags or items a quotation is required. For full information visit

The service may also be able to help with small types of shed or garden clearances but this work would need to be completed with one member of staff and would require strict social distancing from residents.

To request a quotation please contact 01455 255977 or email

Executive Member for Street Scene Services, Cllr Bill Crooks said: "We hope the re-introduction of this service will help residents whilst the recycling centres are closed or help reduce non essential travel when they do re-open; support non- drivers; residents who are shielding and everyone who has being storing items and garden waste that they have collected during lockdown.

"Strict social distancing rules will be followed at all times."

< Coronavirus NHS Bulletin & Re-opening of waste sitesTemporary Traffic Regulation Order- Bosworth Road, Bull In Oak, Cadeby commencing on 6th June 2020 (HTWTEMP/2316) >
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