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Cadeby Parish Council

Cadeby Harvest service - September 17

Cadeby Harvest service - September 17

Cadeby DCC

Added at 16:47 on 06 September 2023

A reminder that Cadeby's harvest service will be held in church on Sunday 17th September at 4pm followed by a bring and share buffet in the church hall.

We will be collecting non-perishable food and drink, plus personal care items, for Hinckley Area Foodbank.  If you are able to make a donation, please either take it along to the service or leave at the church, which is open every day until 6pm

If you would like to join us afterwards, we would be grateful for contributions of bread, cheese, apple pie or similar.  We will provide simple salad, butter, tea, coffee and squash.

We hope you will be able to share in our celebrations,

Cadeby DCC

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