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Cadeby Parish Council

Cadeby Fete

Cadeby Fete

Added at 13:14 on 26 March 2024

We are excited to announce a new venue for Cadeby Fete 2024!

Market Bosworth Rugby Football Club has very generously offered to donate the use of its Cadeby Lane facilities free of charge on Saturday, 10th August, from 2pm as usual, so please put the date in your diaries.

If you have been involved in previous fetes and would be willing to do so again, please let us know, and if not and you’d like to join us, please do get in touch, we’d love to have you on board.

We’ll be looking to run all the usual stalls, sideshows and fun dog show and will be glad to have help with a whole range of tasks, including site set-up and clear-down,  co-ordinating and running stalls, marshalling cars, serving teas and welcoming visitors on the gate.  The loan of tents and gazebos would be especially welcome.

We’re extremely grateful to Hilary for offering to bake more of her famous cakes and slices and to Marjorie for agreeing to lead the tea team again, while Janet and Lisa are aiming to repeat their recent record-breaking raffle success.

If you’d like to be part of Cadeby’s biggest community event of the year, please contact us at

As always, every penny of profit raised will be donated to Cadeby Church, which is opened daily for all who wish to spend time there and hosts community services and events throughout the year.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The Cadeby Fete team

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