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Cadeby Parish Council

Cadeby Church & Foodbank Update

Added on 26 March 2020

As you are probably aware, all places of worship must now stay closed as a precaution against Coronavirus, and Cadeby Church is no exception.

We are sorry not to be able to open our doors to you but you are welcome to spend some quiet time alone, or with members of your household, in the church grounds, as long as you follow Government advice.

Please remember, if you see someone else there, do keep your distance, and be mindful of the fact that they may be visiting the grave of a loved one.

If you visit with your dog, please keep it on a lead and always pick up after them.  Poo bags can be disposed of in the church black bin, by the oil tank.

Thankfully, Cadeby Church will continue to be a collecting point for Hinckley Area Foodbank, as donations are badly needed at this time.

The donations box is now in the church porch and will be emptied regularly throughout the week by Claire, who will take all contributions to the Foodbank.  To make this easier, please put all donations into a carrier bag first.

With thanks for your continued support, and best wishes,

Claire Evans & Cadeby DCC

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