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Cadeby Parish Council

Cadeby Community Trust

Added on 31 May 2017

In January of this year a new “Trust” was proposed to specifically raise external funding for the benefit of the Parish of Cadeby and its parishioners.

The idea was simple – to enable a representative group of the village to create a new organisation that could apply for grants and external funding, that a “political” organisation (ie Parish Council)  could not, that would be solely for the benefit of Cadeby its residents and infrastructure.

It was to bypass previous problems in the last two years where money raised for the hall refurbishment came under certain restrictions and caused delays.

The ”Cadeby Community Trust” was launched in April of this year after acceptance by HSBC of the Trusts declared constitution and proposed Trustee make up.

The current Trustees are as follows

Ian Smith – Chairman

Paul Brankin – Secretary

John Shepherd – Treasurer

Chris Freeman

Jonathan Lane – Parish Council representative

A N Other to be nominated by the Church.


The first application the Trust has made for grant support has been successful and has raised £6,300 from Big Lottery for further necessary work on the hall

On Wednesday June 14th the builders will commence

  1. Re pointing the crumbling masonry surrounding the external windows.
  1. Waterproofing the external gable end wall on Rectory Lane
  1. Internally building three cupboards to house the tables, chairs, books and other items within.

Once this is finished (which will take no more than two weeks) the painters and decorators move in and they will

  1. Completely remove any flaking/loose paint work.
  1. Seal all walls where damp was coming through.
  1. Decorate the entire interior of the hall including toilets and kitchen.
  1. Varnish the new toilet and kitchen door.


There is also sufficient funding to enable us to purchase a “moveable” information board to promote/record future village activities/events.

All work should be finished by the middle of July and it is not anticipated any such work will interrupt the preparations for the village fete.

Best wishes




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