Cadeby Parish Council Meeting
Added on 02 January 2018
The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 18th January 2018 at 7pm in the Church hall.
All welcome. Agenda now available.
Agenda will be published on the village and parish council websites when available and will include discussion on the following Budget Proposals from Leicestershire County Council
Budget proposals – have your say
We’re urging parish councils to have their say on the council’s latest budget proposals - and would be grateful if you could circulate this to your councillors.
You can find out more about the four-year plan and give feedback until 21 January.
The proposals include:
• Savings of £54m, including:
o Recruiting more in-house foster carers
o Refocusing ‘early help’ and prevention services
o A new approach to road maintenance
o Reducing support services further, including HR, ICT and finance
o Reducing adult social care costs
• Investment of £40m, mainly in children’s and adult social care due to rising demand
• Council Tax rises of 3.99 per cent, including two per cent for adult social care - and then by 1.99 per cent in 2020/21 and 2021/22. Each one per cent raises £2.6m
• Generating £3.5m by selling services to other organisations and investing in property – this income reduces the impact of reduced national funding
• Spending £290m on roads, schools, broadband and more, supporting new homes and boosting the local economy
The consultation runs until 21 January – click here to send us your views
Thank you,
Leicestershire County Council