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Cadeby Parish Council

Planning Application 19/01447/OUT

Added on 24 May 2020

The planning application ref:19/01447/OUT for the erection of up to 15 dwellings and creation of a new private footpath at land to the east of Sutton Lane, Cadeby, Leicestershire was refused by the Local Planning Authority(LPA) on 16 April 2020.

The Parish Council has been informed that the same application, the erection of up to 15 dwellings and creation of a new footpath at land to the east of Sutton Lane, Cadeby, Leics. has been re-submitted. Ref:20/00433/OUT.

Cadeby Parish Council will be issuing a response to the LPA.

Comments can be submitted to the LPA by 10 June 20 ( quoting ref: 20/00433/OUT.

Cadeby Parish Council


< Temporary Traffic Regulation Order- Bosworth Road, Bull In Oak, Cadeby commencing on 6th June 2020 (HTWTEMP/2316)Rogue Trading Incidents >
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