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Cadeby Parish Council

Cadeby Parish Council: Coronavirus bulletin

Added on 17 March 2020

Following the Government’s decision to move to the level of mitigation and suppression of the Coronavirus, Cadeby Parish Councillors advise as follows:

  • the Defibrillator training planned for Friday 27th March 2020 is now cancelled.
  • Councillors will hold a meeting Wednesday 18th March to consider the implications for Cadeby residents and to implement & co-ordinate a Cadeby volunteer support network.
  • Market Bosworth Surgery has advised that patients are not allowed into the waiting rooms and that contact must be by phone
  • Repeat prescriptions can be posted online or into a black box at the top of the ramp at Back Lane surgery
  • GPs will hold a meeting today 17th and advise on the collection of medication from the surgery pharmacy. We will keep you updated
  • The Trustees have decided to close the village hall until further notice
  • The village litter pick will be postponed until September 2020

The Parish Councillors urge you all to practise the Government guidelines for the mitigation and suppression of the spread of the Coronavirus especially those of us in the vulnerable groups, this includes those with underlying health conditions; the over 70’s and pregnant women.  It is equally important to keep our spirits up.

To that end:

  • We can still currently take ourselves and our dogs for a walk providing we vigilantly practise social distancing
  • We can feel safe in the knowledge that we will all be looking out for each other
  • It is perfect timing for a Spring clean plan at home and in the garden
  • To pass the time, we all have a draw or a cupboard or two that needs a de-clutter

The Parish Council will keep you informed.  If you have any queries, are able to join the Cadeby volunteer support group,  have ideas to share then please contact


Cadeby Parish Council
17th March 2020


UK government response

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