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Cadeby Parish Council

Cadeby Parish Council: Coronavirus update

Added on 24 March 2020

We are pleased to inform Cadeby residents that the Cadeby Parish Council (CPC) has now identified volunteers, and has implemented a Cadeby support network. This will enable us to look after each other if necessary during these unprecedented times.

Your contact in the first instance will be any member of the co-ordinating group:



Janet Hicklin – Cadeby Churchwarden


mobile:  07741487112

Sue Millward – Parish Clerk


Phone:  293676

Jonathan Lane -  CPC Chair



Your request for support will be treated with kindness and respect and will be carried out in total confidence.

You will be advised of the name/s of the volunteer/s who will provide proof of identity where required.  Please do not hesitate to make contact if you need help or support.

On the ‘keeping spirits up’ front we can share some new ideas:

For chats – We are busy testing an ‘open house’ digital chat room for all residents. The plan is to have a village chat at a specific time slot on a daily basis. To sign up to this facility, permission will be required to use your email address which may be visible to other users. We will advise you of lift-off.

Book Swap - We are preparing a list of books available that can be shared on loan. All the government guidelines for sharing such items will be strictly followed. We will advise on ordering procedures shortly.

Exercise – Some is advised daily.  We can still take ourselves and the dog for a walk, always remaining 6ft away from others. Spring cleaning in the home & garden is also good exercise.

Parish Councillors urge you all to keep up to date with and to practise the Government guidelines; to stay safe and to continue in the knowledge that we are all looking out for each other.

Please keep your Cadeby support network contact details in a safe place.

Cadeby Parish Council

24th March 2020


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