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Cadeby Parish Council

News of Events from Cadeby DCC

Added on 01 July 2017

We have three special all-age services planned to be held in Cadeby Church in the coming months to which everyone is invited.

Our harvest service will be on Sunday September 3 at 2.30pm followed by a bring-and-share ploughmans and puds supper in the church hall. We’ll be inviting you nearer the time and hope you will be willing to contribute towards the spread.

On Sunday November 19 at 2.30pm we will be holding a service of unity, inspired by the words of murdered MP Jo Cox, who believed that there is more that unites us than divides us. At a time of year when many churches will be holding traditional services of remembrance, we hope this will give us an opportunity for reflection in a more contemporary context.

And on Thursday December 21 at 7pm we will be holding our traditional Christmas service of readings and carols which will include our Cadeby custom of hanging gift tags in memory of loved ones and with prayer requests on our church tree.

In addition, Cadeby will be hosting a joint communion service for all the churches across the Bosworth Benefice on the morning of Sunday October 29, to which everyone is welcome.

We hope you will be able to join us for some of these special services but if, in the meantime, you’d like to spend some quiet time in the church alone, the building is opened daily for everyone to use as a place of peace, prayer and reflection.

With all good wishes,

Cadeby DCC

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