Police WhatsApp group invitation to help fight rural crime
Added at 16:51 on 23 January 2022
Leicestershire Police often receive communication from those in rural communities asking us to join various WhatsApp groups.
Our rural team is responsible for the entire of Leicestershire and Rutland which makes it incredibly difficult for us to be part of all of the various groups across such a huge area.
In order to try and improve our communication with those who live and work in the rural areas of Leicestershire and Rutland, we have set up Operation Silence.
The idea is to have one or 2 people from the various WhatsApp groups to act as a point of contact with the Police.
They would be responsible for encouraging group members to report things to police as appropriate (999/101 or online) as well as regularly speaking to the Rural Policing Team face to face and on the phone / Skype etc and passing messages back to the community.
Our focus is on improving confidence and communication to as many people as we can in the rural and farming community. We welcome contact from NFU groups, Young Farmers, current local and village groups or equestrian WhatsApp groups. Anything at all to benefit with more eyes and ears in rural communities.
If you are part of a communication group and want to learn more – please email us and title your email Operation Silence: Leicsruralcrime@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
PC Rob Cross Leicestershire Rural Policing Team